I was having trouble telling apart development local and production servers, and wanted to prevent mistakes. So I built myself a plugin to help indicate what server I was on!
Presenting local indicator, a simple tool to help tell apart local installs of WordPress and remote installs. It adds the IP and server name to the title bar. Each servers colour is shifted to have the same saturation and luminence so that it’s always readable. This is my first plugin I’ve created and published on the WP.org plugin repository myself.
Some servers show as purple or green, here you can see my DH server showing as red, and my local machine in blue:

All administrators or roles with the capability ‘manage_options’ can see this.
If only I could up/down vote your blog posts 😛 (This one’s great, so would’ve gotten a +1)
@tddewey or use http://t.co/lA76GPQP by @Tarendai
Great little plugin by @Tarendai (not Tim) http://t.co/H6GEm8rQ that shows if you’re local or externally hosted in the WP admin bar